Cortez is a Swiss four piece conjure sounds here with clear influence from bands like BOTCH and CONVERGE with a heavy focus on composition and a clear understanding of how to produce a riff. Guitars churn out howling, odd time chord sequences underpinned by clashing, jangling high strings and tight, punchy drums. The vocals from ANTOINE LÄNG (who is also a member of BLIND THORNS) come shouted from a distance, delivered with force but without becoming an indecipherable growl or screech, they have more the sound of the impassioned orator and work with the music, rather than sitting over it and overpowering the instrumentation.
In places all of these elements come together to produce an almost mechanical sound of intensely precise rhythmic punishment before breaking out into looser riffs or a melodic lead guitar section. Often songs will follow a particular riff or chord sequence as a theme and build on that through variations on the theme in a way almost similar to post-metal bands like RUSSIAN CIRCLES, but in a much more song focused and less atmosphere obsessed manner.
As a reminder, Cortez, formed in 2001, was revealed in 2005 and the horrific world of their first album "Initial", was praised by unanimous reviews. After the release followed several tours in Europe, during which the group forged a reputation of exceptional performers. Sharing the stage with THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, ISIS, UNSANE, JESU, GOJIRA, BURST, THE OCEAN... each occurrence tended to confirm and affirm their originality and mastering of their subject.

Past Events with Cortez
12/02/2014 > Cortez + Materleur @ Café Central
Phœbus, the new album of Cortez, confirms the come back of the Swiss trio, just after the release of their 10’’ split with Plebeian Grandstand, on the labels Throatruiner Records, Basement Apes Industries and Get A Life ! Records. With this album Cortez is again proving that you can get out of the habitual pattern of power trio (guitar, drums and voice), and still burps noise-hardcore fury and incandescent anger. The band recently reorganized itself with the arrival of Antoine Tinguely on the guitar (ex-Berserk For Tea Time), Samuel Vaney, former guitarist, is now supporting the band as composer / mixer.
”Phoebus” reaffirms the taste of Cortez for saturation, but also explores a wide range of possibilities. Like a threatening and corrosive mist the aggressive sound still remains intense, melancholic and emotional.
As a reminder, Cortez, formed in 2001, was revealed in 2005 and the horrific world of their first album Initial, was praised by unanimous reviews. After the release followed several tours in Europe, during which the group forged a reputation of exceptional performers. Sharing the stage with The Dilinger Escape Plan, Isis, Unsane, Jesu, Gojira, Burst, The Ocean… Each occurrence tended to confirm and affirm their originality and mastering of their subject.
When a bassist solo project is called" Marteleur", can it only hit and rust out? Let us set aside this false image of a blacksmith. He changes his 'four strings' for the baritone guitar, an hybrid instrument. And then start pounding smoothly. Or rather, let Marteleur support its catchy rhythm in loops. Let him set his riffs, build his melodic frame and polish tirelessly electric atmospheres to see rising 'Chamber noise' instrumental music.
But do not forget that Marteleur is primarily a bassist. The minimalist atmosphere does not stay long. He use it to assemble its musical elements in long progressions, to build music that fly off and that we will look over the waves.
The second album of Marteleur My Anvil Is My Tuning Fork so consistently extends his work as a builder began with 'First Blows' in 2007. A laboratory that has as simple utensils a 'looper' and 'distortion' pedal but where research raises, throughout each piece, new elixirs.
14/03/2019 > Cortez @ Café Central
Cortez is a pair off the stage and a power trio (guitar, drums, vocals) live. Always at the forefront of contemporary noise-hardcore, their music is a condensation of a rare brutality, inventive, and including many external artistic influences.
Samuel Vaney (guitar) and Grégoire Quartier (drums) produce everything, and the latter is accompanied by a guitarist (Jérémy Spagnolo) and a singer (Antoine Läng) live.
The band is once again preparing to push the limits of its genre with the release of their 3rd album No More Conqueror. After Initial (2005) and Phoebus (2013), the Helvetians reaffirm their radicality, more direct and concise than ever.
No More Conqueror is a masterful display of roiling metallic hardcore. This thing is a colossal sounding clash of sounds, with a massive production courtesy of Raphael Bovey (Zatokrev, Impure Wilhelmina, Convulsif).
Vincent Satan, best known for his role as a devilish patron in Cheap Satanism Records than as a DJ.
Despite his evil nickname Vincent doesn't spend his time to try to make his audience becoming fan of Norwegian back metal. Don't be afraid so!